
Voting by mail hasn’t given a big advantage to one political party, but Republican rhetoric could change the dynamic for November’s election. ALYSSA POINTER/ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION VIA AP
Aug 27, 2020

Do Republicans or Democrats benefit from mail-in voting? It turns out, neither

In the U.S., the coronavirus crisis has thrust a typically wonky debate—the effectiveness of mail-in voting—into the political spotlight. Republicans, led by President Donald Trump, this week again warned that expanding the use of mail-in ballots could give Democrats an edge in the November elections. Now, a study from Batten’s John Holbein and Brigham Young University political scientist Michael Barber suggests there’s little historical evidence to support that fear.

Aug 26, 2020

Learning from Tragedy

In 2017, a group of UVA deans and other members of the University community offered recommendations in the wake of the Unite the Right rally. Three years later, Risa Goluboff, dean of the law school, spoke with Dean Ian Solomon about what the group learned and how our nation has evolved.

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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