
Published Research
Decision Making for Student Success: Behavioral Insights to Improve College Access and Persistence

Decision Making for Student Success: Behavioral Insights to Improve College Access and Persistence

Authors: Benjamin Castleman, Saul Schwartz, Sandy Baum

Scholars from the fields of behavioral economics, education, and public policy explore contemporary research on decision-making and highlight behavioral insights that can improve postsecondary access and success. Written in collaboration with Saul Schwartz, Professor of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University, Canada and Sandy Baum, Research Professor of Education Policy at George Washington University and a Senior Fellow at the Urban Institute, USA.

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Published Research

Improving Weight of Evidence Approaches to Chemical Evaluations

Authors: Linda Abbott, Rick Becker, Chris Borgert, Ann Bradley, Gail Charnley, Susan Dudley

Federal and other regulatory agencies often use or claim to use a weight of evidence (WoE) approach in chemical evaluation. Their approaches to the use of WoE, however, differ significantly, rely heavily on subjective professional judgment, and merit improvement. 

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