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There’s no denying the state of American higher education is at a crossroads. From front-page news of admissions scandals to politicians promising and demanding free education for all, American colleges and universities are being increasingly scrutinized—and for good reason.

The University of Virginia is no exception.


With a piece of paper and a Crayon, a young Madeleine Mayhew (BA ‘19) jotted down a sentence that would guide her decisions through elementary school, middle school, high school and, eventually, college.

David Leblang

“I am fortunate that I am able to study and teach topics that I find the most interesting,” said Batten Professor David Leblang. Leblang joined the University of Virginia in the Department of Politics and the Miller Center in 2008. In 2009 he became affiliated with the Batten School, where he teaches a course on international economic policy.

Sylvia Earle

As rainy, gray clouds loomed over Monticello, Sylvia Earle – an oceanographer, explorer, author and lecturer named a “Living Legend” by the Library of Congress, and this year’s recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Citizen Leadership – gave her keynote address.

Garrett Hall

The Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy is proud to announce the launch of the Batten Benefactors Society, an annual leadership giving program designed to recognize the School’s most generous donors and inspire others to contribute.

Kiara Rogers

When Kiara Rogers stepped foot on the University of Virginia’s Grounds four years ago, she knew she wanted to pursue a pre-law track so that someday she could give a greater voice to other women and to the causes that she believed in.

Craig Shirley

The University of Virginia Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy today announced a new graduate-level course that will be taught by American author and historian Craig Shirley in the fall. The course, titled “Lessons in Leadership: Reagan,” will be the first-ever Batten School course to examine the historical and political context of Ronald Reagan’s presidency and how it translates to today’s political landscape.

Brian N. Williams

UVA’s Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost created a new awards program to commend faculty for the contributions their public service makes to student learning, the advancement of scholarship and creative activity, and the University’s own public mission.

 Kirsten Gelsdorf

This week, the University honored its top teachers. Batten's Kirsten Gelsdorf was among those honored with the All-University Teaching Award

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI)

The Batten School announced a new partnership with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) to provide emerging Latinx leaders with access to a new model of public policy education explicitly committed to teaching leadership and generating new knowledge to solve the world’s most difficult public policy challenges.