
Jan 29, 2021

Batten Faculty and Students Elevate UVA's Virtual January Term Offerings

Batten Professor David Leblang's "Pandemics Beyond the Headlines: COVID-19" and Professor Gabrielle Adams' "Leadership in Athletics" were among the standout virtual course offerings from UVA this January. Contributions from Batten's Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming and Batten student Terrell Jana (BA '21) brought an experiential lens to some of today’s critical issues, preparing students to meet future challenges.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Apr 17, 2020

Coronavirus policies spread quickly across the U.S. Are cities and states learning — or just copying?

As the novel coronavirus has spread across U.S. cities and states, so have public policies aimed at stopping the pandemic. Batten's Craig Volden and co-author Charles R. Shipan examine how some states have learned from others’ policy successes, while others simply copy their neighbors or even compete against them, and why that matters.

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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